Spann and Autin: To help families succeed, reach beyond housing assistance
By Stacy L. Spann and Christina Autin, Guest Columnists
With leaders from across the country attending this year’s 2Gen Summit in Sarasota, there is no better time to share and promote approaches to reducing poverty and increasing access to opportunity.
One Year Later
A lot can happen over the course of a year. Last summer, HOC was preparing to open its wait list for the first time in eight years. To accomplish this, HOC turned to an online wait list known as HOC Housing Path. The online application is easy to use, available in multiple languages and enables people to access and update their information anytime. The wait list re-imagines how people find housing.
The Importance of HOC Summer Programming for Students’ Academic Success
School is out for the summer. That’s good news for students but bad news for their ability to retain the knowledge and skills learned throughout the school year. What results is known as “summer slide”. Summer slide occurs when students leave school for summer break and gradually forget what was taught during the school year. In the midst of all the fun activities that summer has to offer, many students also put their studies on hold. This temporary gap in learning is the number one reason for the slow academic start at the beginning of each school year.
“Girls Got IT!” : The Impact of Enrichment Programs
Recently, there has been a great deal of research on the ways poverty impacts the minds and mental development of children. The emerging science shows that for some children, stresses associated with living in poverty and in an environment of uncertainty can cause physical changes to still developing brains. But, because of the brain’s ability to adapt, environmental factors that adversely impact the brain can be combated. Effective programming can help counteract the impact of these stresses and create a supportive environment that allows youth, regardless of socio-economic level, to thrive.
Seeing is Believing
2015 is quickly drawing to a close. The past year has been tremendous for HOC. For the first time in eight years, the agency reopened the wait list, unveiling Housing Path, a new innovative web portal. Housing Path simplifies the process for applicants and uses groundbreaking technology to match people to available affordable housing programs. HOC Academy also started several new initiatives for customers of all ages. I could provide more detail; however, seeing is believing.